Psychotherapy and Counselling

I am a BACP registered Psychotherapist and offer both long term psychotherapy and short term counselling.  My practice is in Bath, and Wells, Somerset. I see a wide range of clients and work with any issue that you wish to bring which may include for example, sexuality, relationships, anxiety, depression and bereavement, sexual abuse, rape and unresolved issues that arise from childhood.

Everyone has times where they need to talk to someone about issues that are affecting them. Relational psychotherapy is a way of working that enables both client and therapist to explore any difficulties that arise within the clients life; together client and therapist create an in-depth relationship that provides the opportunity to make sense of what may be happening in the wider context of family, intimate relationships, friendships and other social situations.  Issues may be triggered by a current situation, an unresolved traumatic event, as a result of childhood loss and trauma, or a combination of  all of these things.

Counselling, with a relational approach, provides an opportunity to deal with more current issues that need attention. Sessions may concentrate on a particular issue or event that has happened, for example bereavement or divorce, in order to process what has happened and enable clients to move forward with insight and awareness.  This may lead to longer term work from a psychotherapeutic perspective.  This would be something that we as client and therapist would review regularly.

If you would like to contact me to book an initial session please don’t hesitate to either phone: 07809 563 702, or email:  You can book one initial consultation to talk about your current situation and any difficulties that you may be experiencing, after the initial session we can decide if we will be comfortable working together. We would then agree when to meet (day and time) and discuss confidentiality and fees.  My fee is £60 per session and some concessions may be available. We will meet for some initial sessions, usually about 6 weekly meetings, and then decide together if meeting for longer will be helpful.